Wilmington College Fightin’ Quakers Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Wilmington College Fightin’ Quakers Logo have 2 colors in their flag which are DARK GREEN(#016052) and LIGHT GREEN(#008040).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The name “Wilmington College Fightin’ Quakers” carries a fascinating combination of historical and athletic connotations. Let’s delve into its significance:


  • Refers to the Religious Society of Friends, known for their peaceful values and dedication to social justice. This connection reflects Wilmington College’s Quaker heritage, founded in 1870 by the Society of Friends and emphasizing compassion, simplicity, and service.


  • While seemingly contradictory to the Quaker peaceful ethos, “Fightin'” refers to the college’s athletic spirit and competitive drive. It signifies the determination and passion with which its student-athletes compete in NCAA Division III sports.

Combined Significance:

  • The overall name represents a unique balance between peaceful principles and competitive spirit. It highlights the college’s commitment to both academic excellence and athletic success, while upholding Quaker values like sportsmanship and integrity.

Additional Thoughts:

  • The mascot, a Quaker in boxing gloves, further emphasizes this playful juxtaposition of peace and athleticism.
  • The name resonates with the Wilmington College community, fostering a sense of identity and pride in both athletic achievements and Quaker ideals.

Overall, the “Wilmington College Fightin’ Quakers” name serves as a powerful symbol of the college’s unique heritage and values, where determination and competition coexist with peace and social responsibility.

I hope this analysis enhances your understanding of the significance behind this interesting name! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

Flag of Wilmington College Fightin’ Quakers Logo

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