Two-Spirit Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Two-Spirit have 8 colors in their flag which are Red(#F00000), Orange(#FE7E00), Yellow(#FFFF00), Green(#007A41), Indigo(#4041FE), Violet(#A001BE), Black(#000000) and White(#FFFFFF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

2 Spirit flag Colors

The Two-Spirit flag is a symbol of the Two-Spirit identity within many Indigenous cultures in North America. Two-Spirit people are those who embody both masculine and feminine qualities, and the flag reflects their unique cultural and spiritual role in their communities.

Colors of the Two-Spirit Flag

The 2 spirit flag features five primary colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:

Red: #E50000

Yellow: #FFD700

White: #FFFFFF

Blue: #005EB8

Black: #000000

Meaning of the Colors in the Two-Spirit Flag

Red: Represents life, the earth, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. It signifies the vitality and strength of Two-Spirit people.

Yellow: Symbolizes the sun, light, and the beginning of life. It represents new beginnings, hope, and the sacredness of life.

White: Stands for purity, truth, and clarity. It reflects the spiritual aspects of the Two-Spirit identity and the quest for balance and harmony.

Blue: Represents the sky, water, and the spiritual realm. It signifies peace, calm, and the deep connections between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Black: Symbolizes the night, the unknown, and the mysteries of life. It reflects the depth and complexity of the Two-Spirit identity and experience.

The Two-Spirit flag’s colors and design elements are deeply meaningful, representing the rich cultural heritage, spiritual significance, and unique identities of Two-Spirit individuals. It stands as a symbol of pride, resilience, and unity within the Two-Spirit community.