Rockford University Regents Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Rockford University Regents Logo have 2 colors in their flag which are PURPLE(#53369A) and SILVER(#C6C5C5).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

I need more information like what exactly are you looking for? Here are some options:

  • Are you asking about the significance of the name “Rockford University Regents”? If so, the regents are the governing board of the university, and they are responsible for overseeing the university’s finances, academics, and other operations.

    • Are you asking about the significance of the Rockford University Regents in the community? If so, the Regents are a group of prominent community leaders who are committed to the success of Rockford University. They provide financial support to the university, and they also help to raise awareness of the university in the community.

    • Are you asking about the significance of the Rockford University Regents in the history of the university? If so, the Regents have played a key role in the development of Rockford University since its founding in 1847. They have helped to guide the university through times of both growth and challenge, and they have always been committed to the university’s mission of providing a high-quality education to students from all walks of life.

    Please let me know if any of these options are what you were looking for. If not, please provide me with more information so that I can better assist you.

Flag of Rockford University Regents Logo

Download Rockford University Regents Logo Flag