Rimouski Océanic Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Rimouski Océanic Logo have 3 colors in their flag which are BLUE(#18124B), GRAY(#ABD8C0) and WHITE(#FFFFFF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The name “Océanic” for the Rimouski junior hockey team has multiple significances:

  • It is a reference to the importance of the maritime industry in the Rimouski region. Rimouski is a port city located on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, and the surrounding area is known for its fishing and shipbuilding industries. The name “Océanic” evokes the vastness and power of the ocean, and it reminds people of the important role that the sea has played in the history and development of the region.

  • The name is also a tribute to two British transatlantic liners that were named “Oceanic” and that sailed in the early 20th century. These ships were a symbol of progress and innovation, and they helped to connect Rimouski to the wider world. The name “Océanic” is a reminder of the city’s connection to the sea and to the world beyond.

  • The name is also a nod to the stars that sailors have used for centuries to navigate the seas. The Océanic logo features a stylized star, and the team’s motto is “L’équipe de toute une région” (The team of an entire region). This motto is a reminder that the Océanic is more than just a hockey team; it is a symbol of the pride and unity of the Rimouski region.

Overall, the name “Océanic” is a fitting one for the Rimouski junior hockey team. It is a name that is rich in history and symbolism, and it speaks to the team’s deep connection to the city and the region.