New Gay Pride mlm Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

New Gay Pride mlm have 7 colors in their flag which are Light Green(#B4F7B4 ), Lighter Green(#76EE76 ), Green(#00FF00 ), White(#FFFFFF ), Blue(#00C3FF ), Indigo(#8A2BE2 ) and Darker Blue(#0013FF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

Gay Men (mlm) Flag

The Gay Men flag represents the diversity and unity of the gay male community. It features seven stripes, each with a different color, symbolizing various aspects of identity and experience.

Colors of the Gay Men Flag

The Gay Men flag has seven primary colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:

Light Green: #B4F7B4

Lighter Green: #76EE76

Green: #00FF00

White: #FFFFFF

Blue: #00C3FF

Indigo: #8A2BE2

Darker Blue: #0013FF

Meaning of the Colors in the Gay Men Flag

Light Green: Represents healing and rejuvenation.

Lighter Green: Symbolizes joy and celebration.

Green: Reflects nature and serenity.

White: Stands for purity and unique identities.

Blue: Represents harmony and peace.

Indigo: Symbolizes individuality and creativity.

Darker Blue: Reflects trust and loyalty.

Design Elements

The flag consists of seven horizontal stripes, each in a different color. The arrangement of these colors emphasizes diversity and inclusivity within the gay male community, highlighting the unique experiences and identities of its members.

Adoption and Reception

The Gay Men flag has been embraced by many within the community as a symbol of unity and pride. It is commonly displayed during LGBTQ+ events, pride parades, and other occasions celebrating gay male identity and solidarity.