Neptunic Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Neptunic have 6 colors in their flag which are Blue(#039BBA), Green(#3AD5C8), Light Green(#74E9D4), Light Blue(#A1E6EF), Purple(#99B0EA) and Dark Purple(#9799EF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

Neptunic Flag: Colors and Meaning

The Neptunic flag, representing the Neptunic identity, features a unique and symbolic design. This article delves into the primary colors of the Neptunic flag and their meanings, as well as a brief overview of the Neptunic identity, also known as Nomascsexual.

Flag and Colors

The Neptunic flag prominently displays six primary colors, arranged in a specific order to convey distinct meanings:

Blue: Represents tranquility, depth, and the vastness of identity.

Green: Symbolizes growth, harmony, and the connection to nature.

Green: Reinforces the idea of growth and a fresh perspective.

Blue: Echoes the themes of tranquility and introspection.

Purple: Stands for spirituality, creativity, and the blending of different aspects of identity.

Purple: Reaffirms the importance of creativity and the uniqueness of the Neptunic identity.

Flag Design

The design of the Neptunic flag is simple yet profound, with horizontal stripes of the aforementioned colors arranged in the following order: blue, green, green, blue, purple, purple. This arrangement is meant to visually represent the fluidity and complexity of the Neptunic identity.

Neptunic Identity (Nomascsexual)


Neptunic, also known as Nomascsexual, refers to an attraction to nonbinary individuals and women. It is a term used to describe a specific orientation within the broader spectrum of sexual and romantic identities.


Inclusivity: The colors of the flag symbolize the inclusive nature of the Neptunic identity, embracing a range of experiences and attractions.

Fluidity: The repetition of colors like blue and purple highlights the fluid and evolving nature of identity.