Medicine Hat Tigers Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Medicine Hat Tigers Logo have 4 colors in their flag which are ORANGE(#E56B1F), BLACK(#000000), WHITE(#FFFFFF) and RED(#C03440).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The Medicine Hat Tigers, a junior ice hockey team in the Western Hockey League, hold significant meaning on multiple levels:


  • Community pride: The Tigers are a source of pride and identity for Medicine Hat, a city with a strong hockey tradition. They bring the community together to cheer on their hometown team, creating a sense of shared excitement and belonging.
  • Economic impact: The team generates revenue through ticket sales, merchandise, and partnerships, boosting the local economy and creating jobs.
  • Youth inspiration: The Tigers serve as role models for young hockey players in Medicine Hat, inspiring them to chase their dreams and work hard to achieve their goals.


  • WHL competitiveness: The Tigers are a consistently strong team in the WHL, contributing to the excitement and competitiveness of the league. They have a rich history of success, with five WHL championships and two Memorial Cup victories.
  • Developing future stars: The Tigers play a vital role in developing talented young hockey players, many of whom go on to successful careers in the National Hockey League (NHL).
  • Canadian hockey culture: The Tigers represent a part of the larger tapestry of Canadian hockey culture, a sport deeply ingrained in the national identity.


  • The tiger mascot: The ferocious tiger symbolizes strength, determination, and resilience, values associated with the team and its fans.
  • Orange and black colors: The team’s colors are bold and energetic, reflecting the passion and spirit of the Tigers and their supporters.
  • “Roar of the Jungle” fan chant: The chant encapsulates the unity and enthusiasm of the Tigers’ fanbase, creating a powerful atmosphere at games.

Overall, the Medicine Hat Tigers hold significant meaning on various levels, contributing to the local community, the WHL, and Canadian hockey culture. They are a symbol of pride, competition, and the pursuit of excellence.

Do you have any specific aspects of the Tigers’ significance you’d like me to elaborate on? I’m happy to provide more information about their history, players, or impact on the community.