Houston Astros Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Houston Astros have 5 colors in their flag which are DARK BLUE(#002D62), WHITE(#FFFFFF), ORANGE(#EB6E1F), GREY(#E7E9EA) and LIGHT ORANGE(#F4871E).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

Houston Astros Colors

The Houston Astros have 5 primary colors in their flag, which are Dark Blue, White, Orange, Grey, and Light Orange. These colors are a key part of the team’s identity and are prominently featured in various representations of the team.

Colors of the Houston Astros Flag

The Houston Astros’ flag consists of five primary colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:

Dark Blue: #002D62

White: #FFFFFF

Orange: #EB6E1F

Grey: #E7E9EA

Light Orange: #F4871E

Meaning of the Colors in the Houston Astros Flag

Dark Blue: Represents the team’s deep connection to the city of Houston and symbolizes loyalty and strength.

White: Stands for purity, simplicity, and the unity of the team, creating a clean and classic look.

Orange: Symbolizes energy, passion, and the vibrant spirit of the team and its fans.

Grey: Denotes sophistication, modernity, and the sleek, professional image of the team.

Light Orange: Reflects brightness, enthusiasm, and the dynamic nature of the team.

The combination of Dark Blue, White, Orange, Grey, and Light Orange in the Houston Astros’ flag creates a distinctive and meaningful design. It proudly represents the team’s identity, their enduring spirit, and their deep connection to the city of Houston and its fans.