Hamas Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Hamas have 4 colors in their flag which are Green(#007A3D ), White(#FFFFFF ), Red(#CE1126 ) and Black(#000000).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

Hamas Flag Colors

The Hamas flag features the colors green, white, red, and black.

Colors of the Hamas Flag

The colors of the Hamas flag are significant and are associated with the broader Palestinian identity. Below are the color names and their respective codes:

Green: #007A3D

White: #FFFFFF

Red: #CE1126

Black: #000000

Meaning of the Colors in the Hamas Flag

Green: Often associated with Islam, representing the group’s religious foundation and identity.

White: Symbolizes purity and peace.

Red: Represents the blood of martyrs and the sacrifices made in the struggle for Palestinian self-determination.

Black: Stands for the oppression faced by the Palestinian people and their ongoing resistance.