Greensboro College Greensboro Pride Logo Flag Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Greensboro College Greensboro Pride Logo have 3 colors in their flag which are WHITE(#FFFFFE), GREEN(#126649) and LIGHT GREEN(#81AD9E).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

“Greensboro College Pride” can have several significations depending on the context, so I need more information to be specific. Here are some possibilities:

Athletic teams:

  • “Pride” is the official nickname of the Greensboro College athletic teams. It might be used in this context in relation to game schedules, merchandise, or news about the athletics department. For example, “The Pride football team is in the playoffs!” or “Go Pride!”

Student life:

  • “Pride” can also refer to a general sense of school spirit and community among Greensboro College students, faculty, and staff. It might be used in this context on banners, flyers, or during school events.

LGBTQ+ community:

  • Less commonly, “Greensboro College Pride” could be used in reference to the LGBTQ+ community on campus. There might be an LGBTQ+ student organization with that name, or it could be used in a broader sense to promote inclusivity and support for queer students.

Additional context:

  • If you can provide more information about where you encountered “Greensboro College Pride,” I can give you a more specific answer. For example, if you saw it on a sports website, it’s likely referring to the athletic teams. If you saw it on a flyer for a campus event, it could be referring to student life or the LGBTQ+ community.

Please let me know how I can further assist you!

Flag of Greensboro College Greensboro Pride Logo

Download Greensboro College Greensboro Pride Logo Flag