Sicily have 5 colors in their flag which are Yellow(#FFF100), Red(#EC1B23), Black(#000000), Peach(#FFC89F) and Brown(#EBB337).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
The flag of Sicily is a vibrant and historic symbol representing the island of Sicily in Italy. The flag features a unique design with significant historical and cultural meanings, primarily using the colors red and yellow.
The Sicily flag consists of two main colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:
Red: #DA291C
Yellow: #FFD700
Red: The red color in the flag symbolizes the courage and strength of the Sicilian people. It represents the island’s vibrant history and the fierce spirit of its inhabitants.
Yellow: The yellow color stands for the abundance and richness of the land, reflecting Sicily’s fertile soil and the warmth of its climate. It also signifies prosperity and happiness.
The flag of Sicily also features a central emblem known as the “Trinacria,” a symbol with three bent legs and a Gorgon’s head, which is rich in ancient mythology and represents the island’s triangular shape and its rich cultural heritage.