Sapphic Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Sapphic have 4 colors in their flag which are Pink(#FD8BA8), Light Pink(#FBF2FF), Lavender(#C76BC5) and Yellow(#FDD768).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

Sapphic Pride Flag Colors

The Sapphic Pride flag is a symbol of romantic and/or sexual attraction between women, including lesbians, bisexual women, and non-binary individuals who experience attraction to women. This flag celebrates the diversity and unity within the sapphic community.

Sapphic Colors and Meanings

The Sapphic Pride flag consists of four primary colors, each carrying its own significance:

Pink: Represents love and femininity.

Light Pink: Symbolizes the softer aspects of love and romanticism.

Lavender: Stands for queer love and the diversity of the sapphic community.

Yellow: Represents non-binary attraction and inclusivity.

Version History

The Sapphic Pride flag has seen a few variations over time. Here is a brief overview of its evolution:

Original Version (2010s):

The early versions of the Sapphic Pride flag often used the labrys symbol, which is a double-headed axe historically associated with lesbian and feminist strength. The background was commonly violet or purple.

Pink and Purple Stripes Version (2010s):

Another version featured pink and purple stripes, emphasizing femininity and the spectrum of sapphic attraction. This version helped to differentiate the flag from other LGBTQ+ flags.

Modern Version (2020):

The current popular version of the Sapphic Pride flag includes four horizontal stripes: pink, light pink, lavender, and yellow. This design was created to be more inclusive and representative of the diverse identities within the sapphic community.

The modern Sapphic Pride flag aims to be more inclusive and celebratory of all individuals who identify with sapphic attraction, regardless of their specific gender identity or sexual orientation.

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