Moravian College Greyhounds Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Moravian College Greyhounds Logo have 3 colors in their flag which are NAVY(#1F3361), WHITE(#FFFFFF) and SILVER(#A5A5AA).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The Moravian College Greyhounds have a rich and multifaceted significance that goes beyond just being the mascot of the college’s athletic teams. Here are some key aspects of their meaning:

Historical Significance:

  • Origin: The Greyhound first appeared as Moravian College’s mascot in the 1920s-30s, reflecting the athleticism and speed of the breed. This choice aligns with the college’s emphasis on academic and athletic excellence.
  • Legacy: Five generations of greyhounds have served as Moravian’s mascot, each named Amos after John Amos Comenius, a prominent Moravian bishop and educational reformer. The legacy highlights the college’s values of tradition and continued pursuit of knowledge.

Symbolic Significance:

  • Athleticism and Speed: The Greyhound embodies qualities like swiftness, agility, and endurance, representing the dedication and drive of Moravian athletes and students.
  • Loyalty and Camaraderie: Greyhounds are known for their loyalty and pack mentality, which resonates with the strong sense of community and support found among Moravian students, faculty, and alumni.
  • Intelligence and Grace: The breed’s elegance and intelligence mirror the academic rigor and pursuit of knowledge fostered at Moravian College.

Cultural Significance:

  • School Spirit: Amos the Greyhound serves as a rallying point for Moravian students and fans, encouraging school spirit and unity during athletic events and other campus activities.
  • Community Mascot: Beyond campus life, the Greyhound transcends athletics and is embraced by the wider Bethlehem community as a symbol of local pride and identity.


  • Moravian’s alumni network is referred to as the “Golden Greyhounds,” highlighting the continued connection and contribution of graduates to the college’s legacy.
  • The name “Greyhounds Around the Globe” emphasizes the reach and impact of the Moravian community, extending far beyond the Lehigh Valley.

In conclusion, the Moravian College Greyhounds hold a significant place within the college’s culture and history. They represent athletic prowess, intellectual pursuit, school spirit, and community togetherness, making them a cherished symbol for students, alumni, and the wider Bethlehem community.

I hope this comprehensive answer provides a deeper understanding of the significance of the Moravian College Greyhounds.

Flag of Moravian College Greyhounds Logo

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