Major league baseball logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Major league baseball logo have 3 colors in their flag which are BLUE(#002D72), RED(#D50032) and White(#FFFFFF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The Major League Baseball (MLB) logo is one of the most recognizable symbols in American sports. It is a simple yet elegant design that has stood the test of time, remaining largely unchanged since its introduction in 1969. The logo features a white silhouette of a batter in the midst of a swing, set against a backdrop of blue and red.

The Origins of the Logo

The MLB logo was designed by Jerry Dior, a graphic designer who worked for the marketing firm that MLB commissioned to create a logo for the centennial celebration of professional baseball in 1969. Dior’s design was selected from several submissions, and it was unveiled at the MLB All-Star Game in 1968.

Dior’s design was intended to be a timeless representation of baseball, capturing the essence of the sport in a single image. The silhouette of the batter is both dynamic and graceful, and it suggests the power and athleticism of the game. The use of blue and red, the colors of the American flag, reinforces the logo’s connection to American culture and identity.

The Meaning Behind the Logo

The MLB logo is more than just a recognizable image; it is also a symbol of the values and traditions of baseball. The batter represents the individual athlete, striving for excellence and achievement. The blue and red backdrop represents the passion and excitement of the game, and it also evokes the colors of the American flag, linking baseball to the nation’s history and identity.

The logo has also become a symbol of unity and community, bringing together fans from all walks of life. It is a reminder of the shared love of the game that transcends differences in race, religion, and social status.

The Enduring Appeal of the Logo

The MLB logo has remained largely unchanged since its introduction in 1969, a testament to its enduring appeal. The simplicity and elegance of the design allow it to transcend time and trends, while the symbolism of the logo connects with fans on a deeper level.

The logo is also versatile, appearing on everything from baseball caps and jerseys to merchandise and marketing materials. It is a ubiquitous symbol of the sport, instantly recognizable to fans around the world.

The Major League Baseball (MLB) logo utilizes a combination of three primary colors:

  1. Blue: The blue color represents the sky, symbolizing boundless possibilities and the vastness of the baseball game. It also evokes the colors of the American flag, linking the sport to the nation’s history and identity.

  2. Red: The red color represents passion, excitement, and the competitive spirit inherent in baseball. It also signifies the energy and vibrancy of the game.

  3. White: The white color serves as a neutral backdrop, highlighting the silhouette of the batter and providing a sense of balance and clarity to the overall design. It also represents purity, tradition, and the timeless appeal of baseball.

Flag of Major league baseball logo

Major league baseball logo Flag Info

Flag ratio
Flag use Logo
Designed by Jerry Dior
Mascot Major league baseball logo Mascot