Lys noir have 2 colors in their flag which are Black(#000000) and White(#FFFFFF).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
The Lys Noir flag is a striking symbol often associated with elegance, power, and mystery. Its color scheme primarily consists of black and white, creating a bold and memorable design.
The Lys Noir flag features two main colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:
Black: #000000
White: #FFFFFF
Black: The black color represents power, elegance, and formality. It adds a sense of mystery and sophistication to the flag, making it stand out with its stark contrast.
White: The white color stands for purity, simplicity, and clarity. It serves as a balancing element to the black, creating a harmonious and visually appealing design.
The combination of black and white in the Lys Noir flag is not only visually striking but also carries deep symbolic meanings. This elegant and powerful design resonates with those who appreciate its sophisticated and meaningful aesthetic.