Goucher College Gophers Logo have 4 colors in their flag which are BLACK(#000000), BLUE(#1A64B7), LIGHT BROWN(#BAAD9F) and YELLOW(#FDDD04).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
The Goucher College Gophers hold multiple significations, encompassing both athletic identity and broader student life:
Student Life:
The specific meaning of the Gopher might vary depending on the context. For athletic teams, it represents competitive spirit and pride. For students in general, it symbolizes belonging and Goucher College identity. Ultimately, the Goucher College Gophers hold significance both in athletics and student life, creating a unified and spirited community.
I hope this information helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about the Goucher College Gophers.