Federal Territory of Putrajaya Flag Color HSV Code

Click on a color to copy its HSV code.

  • HSV: 0, 0, 0
  • HSV: 343, 11, 14
  • HSV: 3, 56, 65
  • HSV: 351, 92, 81
  • HSV: 355, 89, 93
  • HSV: 20, 14, 9
  • HSV: 30, 93, 96
  • HSV: 48, 100, 100
  • HSV: 60, 100, 100
  • HSV: 147, 100, 65
  • HSV: 0, 0, 100
  • HSV: 199, 1, 82
  • HSV: 201, 53, 100
  • HSV: 218, 100, 50
  • HSV: 239, 100, 50

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