Federal Territory of Putrajaya Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Federal Territory of Putrajaya have 15 colors in their flag which are Black(#000000), Pink-red(#231f20), Red(#a54e49), Philippine red(#ce1127), Pink-red(#ed1b26), Dark orange(#161413), Brown(#f68411), Tangerine yellow(#ffcc00), Yellow(#ffff00), Medium dark green-cyan(#00a64d), White(#ffffff), Cyan-blue(#ced0d1), Medium light cyan-blue(#77cdff), Dark cyan-blue(#002c7f) and Navy blue(#000080).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.