Viet Cong Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Viet Cong have 3 colors in their national flag which are Red(#DA251D), Blue(#3399FF) and Yellow(#FFFF00).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The Viet Cong, a communist guerilla force in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, used a flag with a distinct color scheme of red, blue, and yellow. While it might be easily confused with the North Vietnamese flag at first glance, there are subtle differences and unique meanings behind the colors.

Color Breakdown:

Red: This bold color represents revolution and the bloodshed endured in the fight for Vietnamese independence.
Blue: This addition to the North Vietnamese flag signifies the inclusion of the people of South Vietnam in the revolutionary struggle.
Yellow: The central yellow star, a common element in Vietnamese flags, represents the unity of the nation. The five points of the star symbolize the five social classes: intellectuals, farmers, workers, entrepreneurs, and soldiers.
Similarities and Differences with the North Vietnamese Flag:

The Viet Cong flag shared the red and yellow elements with the North Vietnamese flag. However, the North Vietnamese flag featured a single red background with the yellow star, while the Viet Cong flag incorporated a horizontal blue stripe at the bottom. This blue stripe visually distinguished the Viet Cong flag and highlighted their focus on unifying South Vietnam with the communist North.

Source flag