Regis College Pride Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Regis College Pride Logo have 4 colors in their flag which are MAROON(#B6121D), BLACK(#000000), WHITE(#FFFFFF) and GOLDENROD(#DB9D15).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

“Regis College Pride” can have several different meanings depending on the context. Here are the most likely interpretations:

Athletic mascot: “Pride” is the official mascot of Regis College’s athletic teams. It’s represented by a lion, traditionally symbolizing strength, courage, and leadership. The mascot name can signify not only athletic prowess but also the shared identity and unity of the college’s athletes and fanbase.

LGBTQ+ community and inclusivity: Regis College actively supports the LGBTQ+ community and strives to create an inclusive campus environment. In this context, “Pride” can refer to the celebration of LGBTQ+ identities and the fight for equality and acceptance. The college participates in the Campus Pride Index, further demonstrating its commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

PRIDE Scholars Program: Regis College offers a program called “PRIDE Scholars” designed to support first-generation college students through academic and leadership development. In this context, “Pride” signifies the program’s mission to empower these students and help them achieve success.

General school spirit and identity: “Pride” can also encompass a broader sense of school spirit and belonging at Regis College. It represents the shared values, traditions, and achievements that unite the college community, alumni, and supporters.

Historical background: It’s worth noting that Regis College’s athletic mascot was previously designed to represent both its male and female student body. The current lion mascot maintains the “Pride” name while symbolizing the college’s inclusive spirit.

Without more context, it’s difficult to definitively say what “Regis College Pride” signifies in a specific instance. However, understanding the various possibilities mentioned above can help you interpret the meaning based on the surrounding information.

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