Manila have 7 colors in their flag which are Green(#018110), White(#FFFFFF), Black(#000000), Gold(#D4AF37), Red(#D81616), Blue(#0D3A96) and Yellow(#F6D251).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
h1>Manila Flag Colors
The Manila flag represents the capital city of the Philippines. The flag’s color palette reflects the rich history, cultural diversity, and vibrant spirit of the city.
The Manila flag consists of seven primary colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:
Green: #008000
White: #FFFFFF
Black: #000000
Gold: #FFD700
Red: #FF0000
Blue: #0000FF
Yellow: #FFFF00
Green: Represents growth, prosperity, and the lush natural environment of Manila.
White: Stands for peace, purity, and the unity of the people of Manila.
Black: Symbolizes strength, resilience, and the enduring spirit of the city.
Gold: Signifies wealth, success, and the historical significance of Manila as a trading hub.
Red: Represents courage, valor, and the sacrifices made by the people of Manila throughout history.
Blue: Symbolizes loyalty, justice, and the maritime heritage of the city.
Yellow: Reflects optimism, hope, and the bright future of Manila.
The combination of green, white, black, gold, red, blue, and yellow in the Manila flag creates a distinctive and meaningful design. It proudly represents the city’s identity, its vibrant culture, and its historical and contemporary significance.