Lesbian have 7 colors in their flag which are Dark Orange(#D52D00), Orange(#EF7627), Light Orange(#FF9A56), White(#FFFFFF), Pink(#D162A4), Dusty Pink(#B55690) and Dark Rose(#A30262).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
The Lesbian Pride flag is a symbol of pride and solidarity for the lesbian community. The flag features a gradient of colors that represent various aspects of lesbian identity and experiences.
The Lesbian Pride flag consists of six colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:
Dark Orange: #D52D00
Orange: #FF9A56
Light Orange: #FF9A8B
White: #FFFFFF
Pink: #D162A4
Dark Pink: #A30262
Dark Orange: Represents gender non-conformity and independence.
Orange: Signifies community and healing.
Light Orange: Symbolizes love and relationships.
White: Represents unique relationships to womanhood.
Pink: Stands for serenity and peace.
Dark Pink: Reflects femininity.
The Lesbian Pride flag, with its spectrum of dark orange, orange, light orange, white, pink, and dark pink, highlights the diversity and richness of lesbian identity. It stands as a powerful emblem of pride, unity, and visibility for the lesbian community.