Costco Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Costco Logo have 2 colors in their flag which are Red(#E32A36) and Blue(#0060A9).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

In the world of retail, few brands have achieved the level of customer loyalty and business success that Costco Wholesale Corporation has. At the forefront of this success story is Costco’s instantly recognizable logo, with its distinctive red and blue color scheme. This article delves into the history, significance, and impact of Costco’s logo colors, exploring how they’ve contributed to building one of the world’s most successful retail brands.

The Evolution of Costco’s Logo

To understand Costco’s logo colors, we need to trace the company’s history:

1. 1983-1993: Price Club era
Before becoming Costco, the company was known as Price Club. The original logo featured a simple black and white design.

2. 1993-1997: Merger and transition
When Price Club merged with Costco in 1993, the logo underwent a transition phase. The new design incorporated elements from both brands, introducing the red and blue color scheme.

3. 1997-Present: Modern Costco logo
The current Costco logo was introduced in 1997, featuring a clean, bold design with the company name in blue, underlined by a red stripe.

The Colors of Costco

Costco’s logo primarily uses two colors:

1. Blue
– Pantone: 286 C
– CMYK: 100, 75, 0, 0
– RGB: 0, 63, 135
– Hex: #003F87

2. Red
– Pantone: 186 C
– CMYK: 0, 100, 75, 4
– RGB: 206, 17, 38
– Hex: #CE1126

The Psychology Behind the Colors

The choice of red and blue for Costco’s logo is far from arbitrary. These colors carry powerful psychological associations that align closely with Costco’s brand values and business model:

1. Blue
– Trust and Reliability: Blue is often associated with trustworthiness, stability, and dependability. For a membership-based retailer like Costco, building trust with customers is crucial.
– Professionalism: Blue conveys a sense of professionalism and competence, important for a company dealing with both individual consumers and business clients.
– Calmness: The calming effect of blue can help create a pleasant shopping experience, even in a bustling warehouse environment.

2. Red
– Energy and Excitement: Red is an energetic color that can create a sense of urgency or excitement, potentially encouraging impulse purchases.
– Boldness: The use of red signifies confidence and boldness, reflecting Costco’s straightforward approach to retail.
– Attention-Grabbing: Red is highly visible and attention-grabbing, helping Costco’s logo stand out in various contexts.

The Combination Effect

The pairing of blue and red creates a balanced and dynamic visual identity:

– Contrast: The strong contrast between cool blue and warm red makes the logo highly visible and memorable.
– Complementary Colors: Blue and red are near-opposites on the color wheel, creating a visually pleasing and harmonious combination.
– Cultural Significance: In many Western cultures, the combination of red and blue has patriotic associations (e.g., the flags of the USA, UK, and France), which may resonate with Costco’s target demographic.

Brand Identity and Values

Costco’s logo colors play a crucial role in communicating the company’s core values and brand identity:

1. Value for Money
The bold, simple color scheme reflects Costco’s no-frills approach to retail, emphasizing substance over style.

2. Quality and Trust
The predominant use of blue in the company name underscores Costco’s commitment to quality products and trustworthy service.

3. Excitement of Discovery
The red underline adds a touch of excitement, hinting at the treasure-hunt shopping experience Costco is known for.

4. Accessibility
The clear, high-contrast design ensures the logo is easily readable and recognizable, reflecting Costco’s commitment to accessibility for all members.

Practical Applications of the Logo Colors

Costco’s red and blue color scheme extends beyond the logo, playing a crucial role in various aspects of the company’s visual identity:

1. Store Signage
The large, illuminated Costco signs on warehouse exteriors prominently feature the blue and red logo, serving as beacons for shoppers.

2. Membership Cards
Costco membership cards incorporate the logo colors, reinforcing brand identity every time a member makes a purchase.

3. Product Packaging
Many Costco private label products (Kirkland Signature) feature packaging that incorporates elements of the blue and red color scheme, creating a cohesive brand experience.

4. Website and Digital Presence
Costco’s website and mobile app use the logo colors as key elements in their design, ensuring a consistent brand experience across all platforms.

5. Marketing Materials
From flyers to television commercials, Costco’s marketing efforts consistently use the blue and red color palette to maintain brand recognition.

Cultural Impact and Global Recognition

Over the years, Costco’s logo and its colors have achieved a level of recognition that extends beyond mere brand identification:

1. Pop Culture References
The Costco logo and its colors have been featured in movies, TV shows, and memes, often as a shorthand for bulk shopping or American consumer culture.

2. Global Adaptation
As Costco has expanded internationally, the logo’s simple color scheme has proven to be universally appealing, requiring little to no modification for different markets.

3. Brand Loyalty
The logo colors have become strongly associated with the positive shopping experiences and value propositions that Costco offers, fostering strong brand loyalty among members.

Challenges and Considerations

While Costco’s logo colors have served the company well, they also present some challenges:

1. Differentiation
The combination of red and blue is common in retail (e.g., Pepsi, Domino’s Pizza), requiring Costco to rely on its unique logo design and brand experiences to stand out.

2. Digital Adaptation
As digital platforms evolve, Costco must ensure its logo colors remain effective across various screen types and sizes.

3. Accessibility Concerns
The company needs to be mindful of color contrast ratios in digital applications to ensure readability for users with visual impairments.

4. Cultural Sensitivity
As Costco continues to expand globally, it must consider how its logo colors are perceived in different cultural contexts.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Costco’s logo colors are likely to continue playing a crucial role in the company’s brand identity:

1. Consistency in E-commerce
As online shopping becomes increasingly important, maintaining consistent use of the logo colors across digital platforms will be crucial for brand recognition.

2. Sustainability Messaging
Costco may need to consider how its current color scheme aligns with growing consumer interest in sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

3. Augmented Reality Integration
As AR shopping experiences become more common, Costco’s distinctive colors could play a key role in creating immersive, branded digital environments.


Costco’s red and blue logo colors are far more than just a visual identifier – they’re a key component of one of the most successful retail branding strategies in modern history. By consistently and creatively leveraging this powerful color combination, Costco has created a visual identity that’s instantly recognizable, emotionally resonant, and globally significant.

The story of Costco’s logo colors is a testament to the power of thoughtful color selection in branding. It demonstrates how a simple, well-executed color scheme can become not just a visual cue, but a shorthand for an entire shopping experience and company ethos. As Costco continues to grow and adapt to changing retail landscapes, its iconic blue and red are sure to remain a beacon for value-seeking shoppers around the world.

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Tags: #blue #red