Centre College Colonels Logo have 3 colors in their flag which are YELLOW(#F1CC2C), WHITE(#FFFFFE) and BLACK(#1A1919).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
“Centre College Colonels” can have several different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities:
1. The athletic teams of Centre College:
2. The students and alumni of Centre College:
3. A mascot or symbol of Centre College:
To understand the exact meaning of “Centre College Colonels” in any particular context, you will need to consider the surrounding information. For example, if you see the phrase on a sports website or hear it during a game, it is safe to assume that it refers to the athletic teams. However, if you hear it in a different context, it could have a different meaning.
Is there any additional information you can provide about where you heard the phrase “Centre College Colonels”? This will help me give you a more specific answer.