Amazon logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Amazon logo have 2 colors in their flag which are Orange(#FF9900) and Black(#000000).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

Amazon, one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies, has become a household name with its instantly recognizable logo. While the design of the logo has evolved over time, its color has remained a constant, playing a crucial role in the brand’s identity. Let’s dive into the story behind Amazon’s logo color and its significance.

The Color: Amazon Orange

The primary color used in Amazon’s logo is a vibrant orange-yellow shade, often referred to as “Amazon Orange.” The exact color code is:

Hex: #FF9900
RGB: 255, 153, 0
CMYK: 0, 40, 100, 0

This warm, energetic hue has been a part of Amazon’s visual identity since the company introduced its current logo design in 2000.

Psychological Impact of Orange

The choice of orange for Amazon’s logo is no accident. Orange is associated with several positive attributes that align well with Amazon’s brand values:

Enthusiasm and excitement: Orange is an energetic color that can evoke feelings of enthusiasm, perfect for a company that aims to excite customers about shopping.
Confidence and friendliness: The warmth of orange conveys a sense of approachability and confidence, helping Amazon appear trustworthy to consumers.
Affordability: Orange is often associated with value for money, which aligns with Amazon’s commitment to competitive pricing.
Creativity and innovation: The vibrant nature of orange suggests creativity and forward-thinking, reflecting Amazon’s innovative approach to e-commerce and technology.
Call to action: Orange is attention-grabbing and often used for call-to-action buttons, making it an ideal choice for a company that wants to encourage clicks and purchases.

Evolution of the Amazon Logo

While the orange color has remained constant, the Amazon logo has evolved over time:

1995-1997: The original logo featured a lowercase “” with a capitalAon a blue and white water texture background.
1998-2000: The company adopted a black wordmark with a yellow underline.
2000-present: The current logo was introduced, featuring the word “amazon” in black lowercase letters with an arching arrow underneath, pointing from the ‘a’ to the ‘z’. This arrow, colored in Amazon Orange, not only implies that Amazon sells everything from A to Z but also forms a subtle smile.

The Smile in the Logo

The orange arrow/smile in the logo serves multiple purposes:

It visually connects the ‘a’ and ‘z’, reinforcing the idea that Amazon offers everything from A to Z.
The curve resembles a smile, suggesting customer satisfaction and positive experiences.
The orange color makes this element stand out, drawing attention to this clever design feature.

Consistency Across Platforms

Amazon has maintained remarkable consistency in using its orange across various platforms and subsidiaries. This consistency helps in building strong brand recognition. Whether you’re shopping on the main Amazon site, using Amazon Prime, or interacting with Alexa, you’ll encounter the familiar Amazon Orange.


The choice of orange for Amazon’s logo color was a strategic decision that has stood the test of time. It effectively communicates the brand’s values of enthusiasm, innovation, and customer-centricity while being visually appealing and memorable. As Amazon continues to grow and evolve, its iconic orange color remains a constant, instantly recognizable element of its brand identity worldwide.

Tags: #black #orange