Emmanuel College (Mass.) Saints Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Emmanuel College (Mass.) Saints Logo have 4 colors in their flag which are WHITE(#FFFFFF), BLUE(#1F4B7E), ORANGE(#F2B90B) and SILVER(#90A6BF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

When referring to the Emmanuel College (Mass.) Saints, the term’s significance can be understood in several ways:


  • Saints: This refers to the college’s athletic teams, which are collectively known as the “Saints.”
  • Emmanuel College: This is the name of the Catholic liberal arts college in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


  • Community and Identity: The Saints represent the entire Emmanuel College community, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni. They serve as a unifying symbol of school spirit and pride.
  • Catholic Heritage: The term “Saints” also has a religious connotation within the Catholic tradition, reflecting the college’s Catholic foundation and values.
  • Competition and Excellence: The Saints compete in NCAA Division III athletics, striving for excellence and sportsmanship in various sports.

Specific Examples:

  • School cheers and chants often use the nickname “Saints” to rally support for the teams and athletes.
  • University merchandise such as clothing and apparel often feature the “Saints” logo.
  • The Saints are recognized as a significant part of the college’s history and tradition.

Further Details:

  • If you’re interested in learning more about the specific history or symbolism of the “Emmanuel College (Mass.) Saints,” you can explore the college’s athletic website, news articles, or official publications.
  • You can also search for stories and anecdotes from alumni or current students about how the Saints have impacted their experience at Emmanuel College.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Flag of Emmanuel College (Mass.) Saints Logo

Download Emmanuel College (Mass.) Saints Logo Flag