Defiance College Yellow Jackets Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Defiance College Yellow Jackets Logo have 4 colors in their flag which are WHITE(#FFFFFF), GOLD(#DED27C), PURPLE(#4F2E8B) and GRAY(#808080).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The Defiance College Yellow Jackets embody several significant meanings:


  • Defiance: The college name, Defiance, reflects its founders’ defiance against societal norms and their commitment to providing education for women, a revolutionary act at the time. This spirit translates to the Yellow Jackets, representing determination, resilience, and a drive to overcome challenges.
  • Yellow Jackets: This mascot wasn’t adopted until 1922, but it might have been inspired by the bravery and adaptability of yellow jackets (a type of wasp) known for their stings and strong community spirit.


  • School pride: The Yellow Jackets are a rallying point for students, alumni, and faculty, fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity within the Defiance College community.
  • Athletic prowess: The Yellow Jackets represent Defiance College’s intercollegiate athletic teams, embodying competitiveness, teamwork, and dedication to sportsmanship.
  • Community engagement: The mascot extends beyond athletics, often appearing at campus events and participating in community service initiatives, representing the college’s commitment to social responsibility and engagement.


  • School Colors: The yellow and black color scheme associated with the Yellow Jackets further strengthens their visual identity and adds to their distinct symbol.
  • Rivalries: The Yellow Jackets are particularly notable for their rivalry with the Bluffton University Beavers, with whom they compete for the coveted “Hammer” trophy.

Overall, the Defiance College Yellow Jackets serve as a multifaceted symbol representing the college’s history, spirit, athletic ambitions, and dedication to community. They embody the defiance against the norm, the resilience of the yellow jacket, and the school’s commitment to excellence and community engagement.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about the Defiance College Yellow Jackets.

Flag of Defiance College Yellow Jackets Logo

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