Target Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Target Logo have 1 colors in their flag which are and Red(#CC0000).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

In the world of retail, few logos are as instantly recognizable as Target’s bold red bullseye. This simple yet powerful design has become synonymous with the brand, representing not just a store, but a shopping experience. Let’s dive deep into the colors that make up Target’s logo, exploring their history, significance, and impact on one of America’s most beloved retail brands.

The Evolution of Target’s Logo

Before we delve into the specifics of the color, it’s worth taking a brief journey through the evolution of Target’s logo:

1962: The original Target logo featured three red rings on a white background, with the company name in black text.
1968: The logo was simplified to two rings, red and white, with the name still in black.
1975: The classic bullseye design we know today was introduced, featuring a solid red outer ring and white inner circle.
2004: The wordmark was dropped from many applications, letting the bullseye stand alone as a powerful symbol.

Throughout these changes, one element remained constant: the striking red color.

The Power of Red

Target’s signature red isn’t just any red. It’s a specific shade known officially as “Target Red.” In color terms, it’s identified as:

Pantone PMS 186 C
CMYK: 2/100/85/6
RGB: 204/0/0
Hex: #CC0000

But why red? The choice of this bold, vibrant hue is no accident. Red is a color loaded with psychological and cultural significance:

Attention-Grabbing: Red is the most visually attention-grabbing color, perfect for a retail environment where catching the customer’s eye is crucial.
Energy and Excitement: Red is associated with energy, excitement, and passion. It can actually increase heart rate and breathing, creating a subtle sense of urgency that can encourage shopping.
Confidence and Power: Red exudes confidence and power, helping to position Target as a strong, trustworthy brand.
Warmth and Welcome: Despite its boldness, red can also convey warmth and welcome, aligning with Target’s friendly, accessible brand personality.
Appetite Stimulation: Interestingly, red is known to stimulate appetite, which can be beneficial for a store that sells food items.

The White Balance

While red takes center stage in Target’s logo, the importance of white shouldn’t be overlooked. The white inner circle of the bullseye and the white background often used in Target’s branding serve several purposes:

Contrast: The white provides a stark contrast to the red, making the logo pop and ensuring its visibility from a distance.
Cleanliness: White conveys a sense of cleanliness and order, important qualities for a retail environment.
Simplicity: The use of white space in the logo design emphasizes simplicity and clarity, reflecting Target’s straightforward, no-fuss approach to retail.
Versatility: The simple red and white design is highly versatile, working well across various mediums from store signage to digital platforms.

Beyond the Logo: Target Red in Action

Target’s use of its signature red extends far beyond just the logo. It’s an integral part of the entire Target experience:

Store Design: From the exterior signage to interior accents, Target Red is used strategically throughout stores to guide customers and reinforce brand identity.
Employee Uniforms: The iconic red shirts worn by Target employees serve as walking advertisements and help customers easily identify staff.
Marketing Materials: Target Red features prominently in all marketing materials, from weekly ads to social media posts, creating a cohesive brand image.
Product Design: Many Target-exclusive brands incorporate the signature red into their packaging or product design, tying them visually to the parent brand.
Website and App: The digital Target experience is awash in the familiar red, creating a seamless brand experience across all platforms.

The Cultural Impact of Target Red

Over the years, Target’s branding has been so successful that “Target Red” has become a cultural reference point. It’s not uncommon to hear people describe an unrelated object as being “Target red.” This level of brand recognition is the holy grail of marketing, where a company’s visual identity becomes part of the broader cultural lexicon.
Color Psychology and Target’s Brand Personality
The choice of red aligns perfectly with Target’s brand personality and market positioning:

Affordable Style: Red is often associated with luxury and excitement, but Target’s use of it in a clean, simple design makes it feel accessible, mirroring their “expect more, pay less” philosophy.
Trendy Yet Timeless: While red is a bold choice, the simplicity of the bullseye design has allowed it to remain relevant for decades, much like Target’s approach to offering trendy items with lasting appeal.
Family-Friendly: The warmth of red, combined with the playful bullseye shape, creates a family-friendly image that appeals to Target’s core demographic.
American Identity: As a primary color in the American flag, red subtly reinforces Target’s identity as an iconic American brand.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

It’s worth noting that Target’s choice of a bold red with high contrast to white also serves an important function in terms of accessibility. The logo is easily recognizable for people with various forms of color blindness and visual impairments, aligning with Target’s commitment to inclusivity.

Challenges and Adaptations

While Target’s red has served the brand incredibly well, it hasn’t been without challenges. In the digital age, maintaining color consistency across various screens and devices can be tricky. Target has had to carefully manage its brand guidelines to ensure its signature red appears as intended across all platforms.
Additionally, as Target has expanded its brand partnerships and exclusive lines, it’s had to find ways to incorporate its signature red without overwhelming the unique identities of these sub-brands. This has led to more subtle uses of the color in some contexts, demonstrating the flexibility of Target’s branding strategy.

The Future of Target Red

As we look to the future, it’s clear that Target Red will continue to play a crucial role in the brand’s identity. However, we may see evolving applications of the color as Target continues to innovate in the retail space:

Augmented Reality: As AR shopping experiences become more common, Target’s distinctive red could play a key role in creating immersive, branded digital environments.
Sustainability Initiatives: As Target increases its focus on sustainability, we might see the red paired more often with greens and earth tones to convey environmental responsibility.
Personalization: With the rise of personalized shopping experiences, we could see Target experimenting with customized color palettes that still incorporate the signature red.


Target’s iconic red is far more than just a color choice – it’s a key component of one of the most successful branding strategies in retail history. By consistently and creatively leveraging this powerful hue, Target has created a visual identity that’s instantly recognizable, emotionally resonant, and culturally significant.
The story of Target Red is a masterclass in the power of color in branding. It shows how a thoughtfully chosen and consistently applied color can become not just a visual cue, but a shorthand for an entire brand experience. As Target continues to evolve and adapt to changing retail landscapes, one thing is certain: that bold red bullseye will continue to guide shoppers to expect more and pay less.

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