Las Vegas have 8 colors in their flag which are Blue(#0B45A1), Grey(#C0C0C0), White(#FFFFFF), Light Blue(#1663CF), Red(#C70F2E), Yellow(#F5DC0F), Black(#000000) and Green(#008D38).
The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.
The Las Vegas flag represents the vibrant and dynamic city of Las Vegas, Nevada. The flag features a distinctive color palette that reflects the city’s lively culture, history, and spirit.
The Las Vegas flag consists of eight primary colors. Below are the color names and their respective codes:
Blue: #003DA5
Grey: #A5ACAF
White: #FFFFFF
Light Blue: #003DA5
Red: #D52B1E
Yellow: #FFD700
Black: #000000
Green: #008000
Blue: Represents loyalty, trust, and the vast skies over the city.
Grey: Symbolizes sophistication, modernity, and the city’s growth and development.
White: Stands for purity, peace, and the unity of the city’s diverse communities.
Red: Signifies energy, passion, and the vibrant nightlife for which Las Vegas is famous.
Yellow: Represents prosperity, sunshine, and the city’s bright future.
Black: Denotes strength, elegance, and the solid foundation of the city’s infrastructure.
Green: Symbolizes growth, renewal, and the oasis-like qualities of the city in the desert.
The combination of blue, grey, white, red, yellow, black, and green in the Las Vegas flag creates a distinctive and meaningful design. It proudly represents the city’s identity, its vibrant culture, and its historical and contemporary significance.