Delaware Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Delaware have 8 colors in their flag which are Blue(#669ca4), Buff(#c7a97f), Red(#b12f39), Green(#586538), White(#ffffff), Light Blue(#629ab9), Brown(#8e4f3e) and Yellow(#e6c737).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The state flag of Delaware is composed of different colors and elements, each representing a unique concept. The following are the key points that study the symbolic significance of the flag of Delaware:

  • Delaware’s flag consists of a buff-colored diamond on a field of colonial blue, with the state coat of arms inside the diamond.
  • December 7, 1787, is written beneath the diamond and commemorates the day Delaware became the first state to ratify the United States Constitution.
  • The words on the ribbon banner read “Liberty and Independence.”
  • The ship inside the diamond represents the significance of commerce.
  • Wheat, corn, the ox, and the farmer all signify agriculture.
  • The colors buff and colonial blue are taken from General George Washington’s uniform.
Learn about the state symbols of Delaware