Capital University Comets Logo Color Code #

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Capital University’s new mascot, the Comet, was adopted in September 2021. The Comet is a symbol of brilliance, innovation, and the university’s ongoing pursuit of excellence. Just as comets blaze new trails across the sky, Capital University students and alumni are encouraged to shine brightly and make their mark on the world.

The Comet also represents the university’s commitment to its Bexley and downtown locations. The two stars in the Comet’s tail represent these two locations, and the double “C” calls attention to the university’s new identity as the Capital Comets.

Finally, the Comet is a symbol of hope and possibility. Just as comets can bring about change and transformation, Capital University is committed to making a positive impact on the world.

Here are some of the specific ways in which the Comet signifies Capital University’s values:

  • Brilliance: Comets are some of the brightest objects in the night sky, and they are associated with intelligence, creativity, and innovation. Capital University is committed to providing its students with a challenging and transformative education that will help them reach their full potential.
  • Innovation: Comets are also associated with change and transformation. Capital University is a forward-looking institution that is committed to finding new and better ways of doing things.
  • Hope: Comets are seen as symbols of hope and possibility. Capital University is committed to creating a community of hope and belonging where all students can thrive.

The Comet is a powerful symbol that represents Capital University’s past, present, and future. It is a reminder of the university’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and hope.

  • Hex: #FFFFFE
  • Hex: #2D2153
  • Hex: #8F918F
  • Hex: #CCCC99

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