Bryn Mawr College Logo Color Code #

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The name “Notre Dame of Maryland University” has a rich and significant meaning that reflects the university’s Catholic heritage and its commitment to educating women and men for leadership and social justice.

Notre Dame is the French translation of Our Lady, a title of respect and devotion for the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. The name is often used in reference to Marian shrines and churches, particularly in France. The use of the name for the university emphasizes its Catholic identity and its belief that Mary serves as a model of faith, compassion, and leadership.

Maryland is the state in which the university is located. The name is derived from the English phrase “terra Marie,” which means “Mary’s land,” a reference to Lady Mary Calvert, the daughter of Cecil Calvert, the first Lord Proprietor of Maryland. The use of the name reflects the university’s deep roots in Maryland and its commitment to serving the state and its communities.

University refers to an institution of higher education that grants degrees in a variety of subjects. The use of this term underscores the university’s academic mission and its commitment to providing a rigorous and comprehensive education for its students.

Together, the name “Notre Dame of Maryland University” conveys a sense of reverence for the Virgin Mary, a connection to the state of Maryland, and a dedication to academic excellence. The university’s motto, “Duc in altum” (Lead me into the deep), further emphasizes its aspiration to transform its students into leaders who will make a positive impact on the world.

  • Hex: #000000
  • Hex: #FEE60E
  • Hex: #FFFFFF

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