Athens Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Athens have 4 colors in their national flag which are Red(#FF0000), Yellow(#FACE19), Blue(#2F2483) and White(#FFFFFF).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The flag of Athens, a vibrant symbol of the city’s rich history and spirit, boasts a beautiful combination of four colors: red, yellow, blue, and white. But what exactly do these colors represent? Let’s delve into the meaning behind each hue:

Red (#FF0000): Often associated with passion, courage, and sacrifice, red is believed to represent the city’s resilience throughout its long and storied past.
Yellow (#FACE19): Symbolizing prosperity, knowledge, and optimism, yellow is thought to reflect the city’s golden age as a center of learning and culture.
Blue (#2F2483): Evoking the Aegean Sea upon which Athens flourished, blue embodies themes of freedom, justice, and vigilance.
White (#FFFFFF): A symbol of purity, simplicity, and hope, white is believed to represent the ideals that Athens has strived for throughout its history.
Together, these colors create a harmonious tapestry that captures the essence of Athens.