Abkhazia Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Abkhazia have 3 colors in their national flag which are Golden Gate Bridge Orange(#C8312A), White(#FFFFFF) and North Texas Green(#00993E).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The flag of Abkhazia is composed of different colors and elements, each representing a unique concept. The following are the key points that study the symbolic significance of the flag of Abkhazia:

  • The Abkhazian national flag consists of a panel with four green and three white stripes that alternately run along the length of the banner.
  • A vertical representation of the open palm of the human right hand is in the center of the rectangle.
  • Seven five-pointed stars are arranged in a semicircle above the palm.
  • The stars reflect the country’s seven historical regions: Sadzen, Bzyp, Gumaa, Abzhywa, Samurzaqan, Dal-Tsabal, and Pskhuy-Aibga.
  • The hand stands for “Hello to friends!” and “Stop to enemies!”.
  • The red color symbolizes the medieval Abkhazian kingdom’s banner.
  • The green and white stripes symbolize the tolerance that allows Christianity and Islam to coexist.


Flag of Abkhazia

Abkhazia Flag Info

Flag ratio 1:2
Flag use Presidential standard
Adopted on 23/07/1992
Designed by Valeri Gamgia
Mascot Abkhazia Mascot