Abarth Logo Color Codes HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL & HSV

Abarth Logo have 5 colors in their flag which are RED(#ED1C24), YELLOW(#FFD503), GREEN(#00793A), BLACK(#000000) and Pink Apatite(#dab8b0).

The Hex, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL color codes are in the table below.

The Abarth logo is a bold and eye-catching design that features a stylized scorpion on a split-color shield. The scorpion, the brand’s iconic emblem, is rendered in a striking shade of red, symbolizing passion, energy, and the brand’s racing heritage. The shield, divided diagonally into two equal sections, showcases the vibrant hues of yellow and red, representing the colors of the Italian flag, paying homage to Abarth’s Italian roots.

The combination of these colors creates a powerful visual identity that is both dynamic and sophisticated. The red scorpion stands out prominently against the yellow and red background, conveying a sense of power, aggression, and performance. The use of the Italian tricolor further reinforces the brand’s connection to its Italian heritage, adding an element of pride and national identity.

Overall, the Abarth logo is a masterful blend of color and symbolism that effectively captures the essence of the brand – a passionate, performance-oriented marque with deep Italian roots. The logo’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to evoke emotions of excitement, passion, and national pride, making it a true icon in the automotive industry.

Tags: #red
Flag of Abarth Logo

Abarth Logo Flag Info

Flag ratio
Flag use Logo
Designed by Carlo Abarth
Mascot Abarth Logo Mascot